Kamishibai-paper drama is a Japanese form of story telling. I did a little twist. Instead of teachers its the Nursery who tell the story. Each child holds the picture card and one after another, they put in the so called "TV box" and tell their part of the story. Children wait for their turn and move ahead only when they hear teacher beat the drum. This will be shown on the Annual Day. I chose Nepalese version of the story...Frog's Lunch by Dee Lillegard. My daughter drew the pictures on A-4 size papers, colored and pasted on card boards. For contrast she colored the wide margin black.
Primary School

Whatever is presented to our children must be beautiful and clear.-Dr. Maria Montessori
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Tamu Lhosar-Year of the horse
Tamu is another name for Gurung community. I belong to Gurung community. Today 15th of Poush i.e. 30th of December is celebrated as Tamu Lhosar and Lhosar means New Year. I have this old post card of Gurung zodiac showing 12 animals representing a twelve year cycle. This year is year of the horse.
Happy Lhosar
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Helping Children Learn by Zakiya Kurrien- A Handbook
I have cut pictures, pasted them on card stock and laminated.
I made many activities from the book. Here are few
Matching faces |
Matching front to back |
Pinwheels- number matching |
Friday, December 27, 2013
Practical life exercises-2
I have few more practical life exercise materials which playgroup enjoy. I rotate the exercise materials and the place too because the playgroup get easily bored and try hands on every exercise. Sometimes I see many trays out from the self. They are learning to use one exercise at a time. Playgroups are enrolled year round so whenever there is a new child we have the materials mixed up.
Most of the time they work separately but they sit and observe when I introduce a new exercise.
Most of the time they work separately but they sit and observe when I introduce a new exercise.
For rolling and unrolling
I have two types of mat one thick and quite easy to roll and other thin for fine rolling. They also use these mats for different exercises.
I have two types of mat one thick and quite easy to roll and other thin for fine rolling. They also use these mats for different exercises.
Thick mat |
Thin mat |
Basket for keeping mats |
Only four or five bottles were not enough to keep them busy so I made eight. They have many questions while doing this exercise like"Where did you get this bottle?" ,"What do you put in it?","Whose is it?", "Where is the lid?" One child who did not find the exact lid said its the ghost who took it. Listening to them is a great fun.
Dressing Frames
The dressing frame stand is a bit high for the playgroup and little inconvenient because frames fall while they try to take one out. The wooden pegs for holding the frames are not strong so the stand is actually a show piece now. I keep only three frames on the shelf out of twelve. The stand is in the older children's room.
I have extra materials for lacing,
I have plastic and wooden beads of different shapes. Children prefer the plastic ones which are easy to
string. The wooden beads are not smooth from inside so stringing requires little more force. Few trays have strings tied on each side so that two children can string together. Sometimes they tell us to make garland.
Wooden beads |
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Christmas craft-2
Our Christmas craft is over. We made few things like Christmas trees and wreaths. Playgroup painted green using cotton but it became soggy so the next day I gave the Nursery little cubes of sponge. The sponge soaked paint and children could dab on paint for long. I used cloths pin for holding sponge. The result with sponge was quite good. Sponge can be washed and dried for next use.
Below you see the sponge in the left bowl and soggy cotton in the right.
The older group used the paper colored by their junior for making wreath. I told that wreath are hung on the front doors as a sign of welcome. In Nepal we use marigold and chrysanthemum garland to decorate our doorways and windows wishing for prosperity and well being.
The only thing they knew while making wreath was pistachio. Although the wreaths look similar I feel a lot of hard has been put on this craft.
Wreath made by different groups.
Pistachio seed used for poinsettia wreath |
Pistachio seed colored red for berries |
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Angry Bird Project- Art and craft
This years third parent teachers meeting is scheduled on coming Friday.
Lower and Upper Kindergarten are busy with their craft work. We chose Angry Birds Project.
1. Paper Mache balloon base for Angry Birds
Lower and Upper Kindergarten are busy with their craft work. We chose Angry Birds Project.
1. Paper Mache balloon base for Angry Birds
2. Pencil holder made from toilet paper roll
3. Book marker-Thin cardboard strips were cut and covered with construction paper. Different Angry Birds faces were made, cut and pasted. They wrote " Please use book mark". I hope they learn to use it.
4. Piggy Bank- Six pieces of cardboard squares were pasted on construction paper to make a cube.
5. Ice cream cones- We can also see the yellow crown behind the cones.
6. Angry Birds masks on display.
Shapes were made from the masks inside the book. Children used different construction paper to make masks.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Practical life exercises- 1
Few practical life exercises on our shelf.
I am using seeds for few exercises. Children love these exercises but few want the same tray which their friend is busy with. Most of them like the big white bean seeds. I use a sponge to wipe in case they spill water during wet pouring .
Transferring beans from bowl to bowl |
Transferring beans from one bowl to two unequal bowl |
Dry pouring |
Wet pouring |
Transferring seeds using tongs |
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Christmas craft -1
Today children were busy with Christmas related craft. Nursery group do not have the idea of what Christmas is like and who Santa Claus is. I didn't go in detail so just told them that when it is cold and snowing Santa brings gifts for children who behave well. For a moment they sat with their legs crossed and arms folded. Usually it is very noisy when we have art and craft work. They need extra care during water painting.
I drew and cut out a shape of Christmas tree from a thick cardboard using a paper cutter. I used the other part as a stencil for painting. For snow cotton was glued.
I drew and cut out a shape of Christmas tree from a thick cardboard using a paper cutter. I used the other part as a stencil for painting. For snow cotton was glued.
Teacher helping a child |
Christmas trees |
Little more than alphabets-Teaching Nepali
I made few materials for practice. I used construction paper and pasted on thick cardboard. Wide cello tape was used to cover the cards except the round shaped ones. I think children found it easy to pick up than the laminated ones.
1. Two letter picture card with matching word card.
Picture cards have name written on it so the child can see and put the corresponding word card under it.
2. Loose alphabet cards to match with the corresponding objects.
A child has to think of the right alphabets to put beside the object.
3. Word cards with loose alphabet card
Loose alphabet cards are used to match the small sized three letter word cards.
4.Three letter picture card with loose alphabet cards.
The picture cards have name written on it so the child can find the alphabet for it.
5. Three letter word card with corresponding picture card
The picture card has no name written on it. At first I give only six but later few more were added.
6. Loose picture cards to match words on sheet
Words cards are pasted on a single sheet.
1. Two letter picture card with matching word card.
Picture cards have name written on it so the child can see and put the corresponding word card under it.
Two letter picture card with matching word card |
2. Loose alphabet cards to match with the corresponding objects.
A child has to think of the right alphabets to put beside the object.
Object and loose alphabet card |
3. Word cards with loose alphabet card
Loose alphabet cards are used to match the small sized three letter word cards.
Three letter word card with loose alphabet card |
The picture cards have name written on it so the child can find the alphabet for it.
Three letter picture card with loose alphabet card |
5. Three letter word card with corresponding picture card
The picture card has no name written on it. At first I give only six but later few more were added.
Three letter word card and picture card |
6. Loose picture cards to match words on sheet
Words cards are pasted on a single sheet.
Picture cards to match words |
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Panchu -my daughter
I was introduced to blogging through my daughter Panchu. The idea of sharing my experiences through blog kept me excited and one day without having a good knowledge of it I jumped into it. Now I wait for her to help me figure out how to add sidebar and everything. I had removed few photos from Picasa Web Albums and it was gone from the photo gallery too. Oh! I was shocked and sad for a moment what if somebody saw my blog and found nothing. It took me hours to figure out what happened. Although I have many things to share about my Preschool but frequent changes in the layout is because I am learning by doing just like a preschooler.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thanks to Kazenoko Hoikuen -Japan
Last November six teachers from Kazenoko Hoikuen visited our school. Children along with their grandparents interacted with them. They showed us games played by Japanese children like origami, ayatori, otedama, kendama and many more.
This November we received five pianica and many idea magazines for teachers. We are grateful to them.
Our guests from Japan |
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Sand tray
Children enjoy writing in sand tray. They trace sand paper number or alphabet before writing. I have added one more tray with rice flour. Before adding the rice flour I pasted black chart paper.
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